Another Day in a Chaotic Utopia
Making It
At my studio in the Globeville Riverfront Arts Center, in the RiNo art district. This picture was taken about a year ago. I’ve messed up that desk a lot in that year!
I always said I would start this blog back up again, somewhere, someday. The first Chaotic Utopia page was it's own site, sharing fractal art, science, philosophy, and whatever I was interested in at the time. (Note, that link is not the first post, just the earliest post saved by the wayback machine.)
Later, my blog was picked up by ScienceBlogs, where I happily blogged until I published my book. That let me be creative and teach people about the history and science that made a neighborhood possible.
One of my favorite parts of the book was doing all the art amd illustrations and layout. After it was done, I knew I wanted to do something even more creative and hands-on, rather than just writing.
That led me on a quest to find the right medium to express myself. I tried to make soap, figuring that was practical… but I could only be so creative, and folks could only buy so much soap. Then I started doing terrariums and fairy gardens. I’ve always loved tiny things and glass jars and plants, so that seemed like a natural way to go. But even that trend began to wane, and I found myself just wanting to make cool things, and selling cool things with plants attached only gets you so far. In fact, most people who love cool art don’t really have the time or patience to take care of plants.
That was when I realized that I was an artist all along. Always making, creating, expreasing. Artist, writer, teacher… it all fit together somehow. Even the environmental history parts. There were stories to be told, in art and words alike. It was time…time to be an artist.
Now that my art is starting to take off and gather interest, I figured it's about time to bring it all back to writing. So here I am, making and sharing and writing, and who knows where it will all lead!
Someday, I hope to take it all--the art, the words, the history, the science, the planet--and put it all in a tiny museum on wheels, where I can drive the bundle of wonder wherever it needs to go.
But for now… I’m gonna go make some stuff.